Categories: Financial Health, Civic Action, Leadership Development
About the website
The primacy of this page is based on the fundamental truth that there is no glory in poverty or living in mediocrity. Equally true, there are no awards for playing small in the land of the living. Alone each one of us came under the sun and alone so shall we also depart. Therefore, if no one is ever going to live your life here on earth, then you better make the best out of it.
On this page, we seek to raise a community of great men and women who are not only willing but are ready to take charge of their lives. Hopefully, we can build a family of trailblazers on the triple intervention points on Personal financial health, Civic action/ engagement, and leadership development.
Unlike many websites you may have visited, here we seek not to grow the likes for the page, but desire only to have you here because you find value in our work and contribution. In a world full of vagueness and misinformation –here we practice tough love –saying it as it is, yet keeping it very simple.
We recognize that society cannot be changed by cowardice or living in fear. Society can only change if courageous men and women take responsibility for their lives, and seek to influence the change they
desire to see and pursue their passions with dignity.
Am glad you chose to visit this page, relax and explore the nuggets of wisdom to the depths of your heart’s desire!
Topics to be covered
Financial Health
It is amazing how millions of people the world over spend their entire lives without ever having a taste on real money and wealth.
Global and national statistics on wealth distribution year in year out paint a picture where about 1% of the people control close to 50% of the available wealth and over 50% collectively own and control only about 1% of the available wealth. Meaning these folks simply live in financial mediocrity for their entire lives.
Economists estimate that even if all the wealth were to be redistributed equally among us, it will take only about 7 years for it to revert back to the 1% and re-set the status quo. It would thus appear there is something about money that only the minority wealthy know and understand that the rest of us do not.
Worse still, we are living in an age where most people want the finer things in life without willingness to pay the price for it. The number of people willing to get money at any cost is skyrocketing each day. People are willing to trample on the rights and freedoms of others for as long as they get money.
But is that how the creator intended it to be? Is money worth anything for as long as you get it?
Am persuaded to believe money and wealth is a wonderful gift from the creator and nature. He created all in abundance – that means the original desire was for each one of us to have plenty without interfering with the interests and freedoms of others.
On this page, I seek to share the beauty of money and wealth and practical ideas on how each one of us can achieving their money desires with courage, honor and dignity. I absolutely belief that each one of us can do it –that there is a path to just wealth in this troubled world.
I invite you to subscribe, like or follow me into this wonderful journey ahead.
Most welcome!
Civic Action
Throughout history, at critical moments in the life of every society, nature bestows a chance for a generation to re-write their story and re-define the destiny of future generations. Such moments accord a people an opportunity to reflect on the evils and ills in their society and mend their ways for posterity.
As the COVID-19 pandemic fizzles out, if there is one positive thing the virus has done, then it is that it exposed our broken governance structures, our ineffective and visionless leadership, the fallacy of short-termism in our national and sub-national plans, the folly of tribal king-ships in our politico and the tragedy of failed political and economic institutions.
Though an unintended outcome, our generation has been given a golden moment to pick the lessons and swallow this bitter truth. Times demand that we critically rethink on the parameters of choosing national and sub-national leaders; re-connect with our nationhood; contribute to our shared prosperity with integrity, honor and dignity; espouse the bonds of love and duty of care bestowed upon us by the chords of our shared history and our shared destiny and inheritance.
Our founding fathers did their part, our heroes of the struggle for democracy did theirs, now it is our turn to breathe life into the ‘burden of responsibility’ that comes with democracy…..otherwise we will go down in history as the most reckless generation to have lived in this land called Kenya.
In this blog, I seek to share how each one of us can plug-in to influence and shape our common future and heritage. Many of us imagine it does not matter, but in the coming days, months and years if God wills, I shall endeavor to share and demonstrate why playing your role responsibly is not only good for the country, but also of immense benefit to yourself individually and your loved ones in the long run.
May the almighty God help us to step-up to the challenge and bless this, our land, nation and heritage.
Leadership Development
We are all born into this world for a reason and for a purpose. It is quite unfortunate that millions of
people only exist for their entire lives. All they have is a date of birth and the day they finally bow out under the heavens. The original desire of our creator is that each one of us may live a consequential life and leave behind an enduring legacy.
One of the hardest things that many people never get to master is the ability to lead oneself. This is the foundational milestone that everyone must be able to grow past before they can lead others.
Leadership is designed to get the leader to influence their followers into new frontiers and sometimes unchartered waters.
Equally true, except for positional or autocratic types of leadership, it is often very difficult to force
people to follow you as a leader. Even the forced type of following, it has its limits. Great leaders influence the behavior of their followers in a way that commands respect and authority.
On this blog, we shall endeavor to demystify and explore the depths required to develop the required personal competencies for you to lead yourself as well as others. There is no way any one of us can be able to achieve personal success in our finances and be responsible members of society unless we are able to lead ourselves.
Besides, for anyone to grow to the heights of leaving a legacy behind, then they shall as a matter of necessity have to influence others into a desired course of action. It does not matter whether it is in politics, government, business, religion, community, or even within your family.
In whatever sphere you are engaged in, it is a personal responsibility to nurture and develop the required competencies to lead.
If you have found your way here, then keep it here. You are in the right place –as iron sharpens iron, so shall we endeavor to sharpen you to your finest self to live a life of purpose and consequence.
We recognize that society cannot be changed by cowardice or living in fear. Society can only change if courageous men and women take responsibility for their lives, and seek to influence the change they desire to see and pursue their passions with dignity.
Dr. Mumo's Blog

April 11, 2023 – Dr. Patrick Mumo
Your Wealth is not about how educated you are but how you behave with Money

April 4, 2023 – Dr. Patrick Mumo
Do not forget to Live while you pursue Money and grow Wealth

March 29, 2023 – Dr. Patrick Mumo